

  • Just quotes
    Created Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200
  • Balance is self-regulating as it’s, by its own definition, what naturally recurs in a system when left undisturbed. Humans presume to be able to predict the balance point but they don’t realize that oftentimes they pass it making the history pendulum swing even harder.
    Created Sun, 01 Sep 2024 12:00:00 +0200
  • Hi, my name is Fausto Zamparelli and welcome to my blog. I want to start by thanking you for being here and taking the time to read my posts. I am not a good writer at all, this is just a place where I will feel free to express what is been on my mind lately with no filters.
    Created Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200

My brain dump blog, thanks for taking the time to read

A Fausto Zamparelli's site