fast / Welcome

Created Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200
551 Words

Before we start, in some blog posts there will be the song i mainly listened to while writing the post. Feel free to listen to it while you read if you want.


Hi, my name is Fausto Zamparelli and welcome to my blog.

I want to start by thanking you for being here and taking the time to read my posts. I am not a good writer at all, this is just a place where I will feel free to express what is been on my mind lately with no filters.

I’ve always been thoughtful about the meaning of ownership. Copyright is what defines ownership in the digital world.. Let’s look at a definition:

Copyright rights arise automatically when a person creates an original work of authorship that is fixed in a tangible medium of expression.

The act of creation is enough to make you the owner of something. Of course, there are gray areas: if I take someone else’s product, how much do I have to build on top of it to make it mine?

Making things yourself has always fascinated me, which may be why I decided to become a Software Engineer.
I have great respect for other jobs like entrepreneurs, carpenters, writers, directors, researchers… all of whom create unique work from the ground up.
The thing is, even if you’re a creator, you’re always subordinated by the tools you use. If you’re a social media influencer, do you own your Instagram profile? Are you really a creator or just a user of a service?

In a matter of hours nowadays, you can be silenced and “cancelled”, all your online assets taken from you. And still, people have the illusion of owning something that’s out of their control. Something managed by a centralized power where you’re just considered a user, not an owner.

If I hadn’t entered the realm of computer science, I would have never known the power of open-source.
Making a product open source truly encapsulates the essence of making your product ownable by the public while it gets better as people iterate over it, even though it’s not technically theirs.
It’s a shame that many people don’t know what it is and that it’s not used as much in other industries.

With this blog, I just want to have a platform that feels like mine and express my thoughts like in the early days of the Internet when it was full of creators, not users. There was true freedom of speech, and websites weren’t ranked based on the number of ads they had.

All I want is to stimulate thoughts. All opinions in this blog will be personal, even though I’ll try my best to provide sources and reasoning behind why I think the way I do.
This blog is apolitical; I don’t want to indoctrinate anyone. If you have an opposing opinion, just try to read the full post with an open mind. Then, if you feel something is biased or I’ve misrepresented some topics, feel free to give me feedback at

Obviously, perspectives can change. I’m 21 years old, and if I feel a blog post is no longer true or that I’ve made an error in judgment, I’ll either take it offline or state it in the post.
Thanks again, enjoy.

My brain dump blog, thanks for taking the time to read

A Fausto Zamparelli's site